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CubsWx: Wed AM Update | April 3

I'm currently producing the 9p-12a+ show at Fox Wx, and we were in Severe Weather coverage until past 1a last night, so the night games are a little tough to follow live...BUT. Yo...What a game last night. The Suzuki and Belli homers. Assad shoving. Wrigley fully involved. This Let's continue to play the Colorado Rockies.

(...If we can!)

Wednesday has always looked like the tougher of the 3 games in this series. It still looks that way at 11:15a ET this morning. Maps:

GFS, NAMs, Fv3, Euro, all in good agreement this morning. A pretty deep 990mb-ish low will drift southeastward across lower Lake Michigan throughout the day, winding up at your local Chicagoland/Northwest Indiana Ford Dealers by late evening. Given the proximity to the low, we can expect rain and snow showers rotating through the city throughout the game window. Conditions will be similarly raw to the last couple of days, if not a little tougher, with temps in the mid-upper 30s and strong 30mph gusts in from LF, CF, or RF. (Expecting some variability as the low is so close and actively sliding past us during the game window.) Additionally, I think any dry spots tonight get muddied with drizzle or spitting slushy/icy flurries, with the northeast flow around the northwest side of the low coming right off The Lake.

The silver lining is in the third image: (maps: College of DuPage NEXLAB)

Precip is expected to remain generally light.

So, what if I told you the entire game window will be a slightly colder version of the last few innings of Monday's home opener? Because that's essentially the kind of spit-storm we're getting today. Consistently sloppy, raw, blustery, damp, November-y -- and yet somehow barrreeellly playable -- throughout.

But At Cubs Weather, will they just push the game to Thursday afternoon on the off day? I suppose they could, but conditions probably aren't quite different enough to make it worth it. Still dealing with a cold, windy, drizzly setup then, may as well swallow the poison as scheduled. My read on it, anyway. If you're headed out to the game, you've seen what it's been the last two days. This is no surprise, and it still ain't no picnic. But apparently, the Cubs offense does not care. A sweep sounds fun. Let's go Cubs.

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